Our everyday choices matter!
You as a consumer play an essential role in the successful transition of Europe`s economy. By making conscious purchasing decisions you can support the switch from fossil to bio-based feedstock and help transform the EU economy from a linear (i.e. production to waste) to a circular one (i.e. a production-waste-production circle).

By changing your buying behaviour, you can put pressure on companies to foster sustainable solutions. By choosing bio-based options instead of fossil-based products, you can help bio-based industries to become more competitive and unlock the bioeconomy’s full potential.
To make smart, informed and conscious buying decisions, we often rely on labels and certifications schemes. But the jungle of currently available sustainability and ecolabels makes their interpretation difficult. The 3-CO project (Concise Consumer Communication through Robust Labels for Biobased Systems) will support consumers’ purchasing decisions towards more sustainable bio-based solutions by developing actionable guidelines for label designs that reflect the needs of consumers and other stakeholders.

Isn’t this greenwashing?
Absolutely not. By involving consumers and other stakeholders from the bio-based industries, 3-CO will make sure to identify and select relevant certification criteria and that information presented on the labels is not only verified but of value for consumers and the environment.
Join us!
3-CO relies deeply on intense interaction and involvement of consumers. Here, regular and open exchange will allow 3-CO to assess consumers’ purchasing behaviour. You can also participate in different test groups for the digital solutions developed within the project and make sure they are easy to use and helpful.

Be smart!
3-CO will develop easy to use digital solutions that will support consumers to make better-informed, sustainable and environmentally responsible, purchasing decisions.
Select the most sustainable bio-based product by using smart digital solutions (e.g. a smartphone app).

Speak up!
3-CO collaborates with consumers from different countries (Poland, Finland, Spain and the Netherlands) to develop these future solutions together.
- Surveys are conducted to better understand consumers’ preferences regarding to bio-based products and related labels and certificates
- Focus group discussions are organised in different countries to co-create digital solutions

What is in store for you?
- Make your voice heard and participate actively in the transition of the EU economy.
- Get validated information on bio-based products and orientation for making concise and sustainable buying decisions.
- Find you wishes, needs and views as a consumer represented, e.g. for the development of smart digital solutions and improved labels.
- Contribute to a fossil-free and more sustainable EU by reducing its global CO2 footprint.
- Contribute to a healthier environment and increased biodiversity.

Want to know more?

- Get an idea by watching our video (coming soon!)
- Download our project flyer and infographic
- Keep track of news & media on our website
- Follow our hashtag on social media #3COProject
- Register to our newsletter and become a stakeholder
- Watch out for 3-CO expert taks and project booths at consumer fairs
- Contact us with any questions and recommendations